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Back In The Neighbourhood 

It's been a little quiet over here, but as the title suggests, I'm working on a new song (a few, even) in the midst of moving, plus, In Your Neighbourhood has been included on a July mixtape from NHAM featuring a whole host of top tunes from the Fediverse. You can listen to the mixtape here (and it's been archived on the press page for good measure).

I'll keep it short and sweet for now. Go exploring!

P. S. Happy Birthday to my brother.

Space, Sales and Scrambled Eggs 

First off, delighted that my former Dark Outside contribution Murray's Theme (distantly inspired by Mort Garson and the Star Trek theme) has been on Andrew Morrison's show throughout April on Dandelion Radio. You can listen back to the show below.

Additionally, whilst shifting a few things around, I uncovered a box of Gilded Cage records that were damaged in transit when I originally had them made (split seams). I've decided to put a few on the site for £5 plus postage over here.

Finally, it's one of the puppets as you've never seen them before

Double Trouble and Other Numbers 

To badly borrow a quote from a bygone confectionary advert,

"DarkCompass, with these broadcasts, you are really spoiling us."

This time though it's Once Upon A Time, at number 10 on the list in the most recent show, which in Roman numerals is X. X is in both Precurxor and CURXES, which started in 2010. Coincidence? Yeah, probably.

We've also been sitting on our Asimov over at 3Fach, which is playing a host of amazing music over in Switzerland and our sombre spaceward track, The Stars, Like Dust. Listen in, float away.

Finally, for anyone who picked up the CD bundle of issue 79 of Electronic Sound (I mentioned it previously here), you can say "been there, listened to that, got the t-shirt", as there is a wearable version of the cover artwork available from the Electronic Sound website

Electronic Sound t-shirt design, featuring artwork from issue 79.

TGIBF (Thank God It's Bandcamp Friday)! 

They're back! Bandcamp will be resuming Bandcamp Fridays in 2022. They'll be on February 4th, March 4th, April 1st, and May 6th.

As a small token of appreciation, every order (at least until we run out) placed on Bandcamp Friday will get a shiny new "Fidoratone" sticker, inspired by a long, meandering thread on synth logos and locally, lovingly made by our friends over the water at Sticker Freak (they're fellow fans of retro design and everything hauntology and horror-adjacent, so have a virtual wander over there). Now you can say you've heard the word about the bird and all that.

Start the countdown!

Patch Bay 

As it turns out, I’ve accumulated quite a lot of my own space junk (some of which you can see in the video for The Stars, Like Dust) and whilst you can find Apollo moon landing commemorative plates, NASA mission patches and everything from Sputnik t-shirts to Cosmonaut Christmas decorations, there really isn’t much beyond a first day cover for BLACK ARROW or Prospero (and I only know that because Marlene, who I interviewed for BLACK ARROW, told me about having this lone souvenir at home - with a copy archived at Wight Aviation Museum), so I designed a few things that I thought might keep it in people’s memory a little longer, based on wayback space graphics and the kind of things I used to collect as a kid. Go here for ace new patches on Bandcamp, here for them on the main site or let lots of bright colours orbit your eyes over at Teemill. There may even be some tapes to follow shortly, but that deserves its own post.

P. S. If you email or tweet me a picture of you wearing either the Prospero print or any of the puppet designs from Teemill land, I’ll send you the corresponding Bandcamp code for either In Your Neighbourhood or ETHER/ORBIT. Seems only fair, right?

Synth In The City 

Potentially your city, even, depending on where you're tuning in from. Anyway, nice to hear In Your Neighbourhood get a little play here whilst I'm working on some new bits and pieces.

Also, on the subject of synth cities, if the idea of owning a wall of vintage synths appeals but storage is a problem, then these might be the answer. They are made by a graphic designer called Ronaldo Lopes Teixeira Rolt and I love them. Check out the gallery (including a mini Space Echo) or watch one of my favourites, the D-50, below, complete with related soundtrack!

Co-op Of The Pops 

Orange you glad you took some time to read this blog? Because Youth Ascension, from the album with the fright-filled front, is on Resonate's staff pick playlist for February. You can listen to this month's top of the co-op pops here.

Additionally, if you've been following a lot of the recent discussion around streaming and you're wondering about alternative ways of listening, I've now added several links on Twitter to folks rethinking the current offerings. Sweet streams are made of this, etc.

Are Waves Electric? 

These ones are. ⚡

Always exciting to hear a blast of In Your Neighbourhood over the airwaves, especially when it's followed up by Sufjan Stevens (probably the only time I will ever get to say that) and we're coming up to three years since Gilded Cage was released. This edition of The Electric Wave show also includes Not Really (Virtual Reality) by Blancmange, who we shared a stage with back in 2017 (probably some of my favourite live outings with venue The 1865 having a notable part-Shining, part-Butlins carpet) as well as new Erasure and Róisín Murphy. Yes! 

You can listen below and I tip my socially-distanced hat to Rob for a fine selection of music.

The Stars, Like Calbourne 

Turns out that I only live a few minutes away from a real-life version of The Stars, Like Dust. There’s an extensive article here about the Isle of Wight’s role in the space race, which is amazing and kind of weird.

Worth a read/view too, is this incredible project by Katayoun Dowlatshahi, which was based on the above discovery about rocket testing on the island. 

Thanks to Joe from Horseflies for the link!

I also saw a 1940s robot made from part of an RAF Bomber radio set, among other things.

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