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Pleased to say that Is It Too Late For Fan Clubs? has gotten quite a bit of recent radio play including its very first airing on Rob Harvey's Synth City show, where the prop-filled video was also mentioned (and you should definitely watch it - it's got foam breasts AND an Alan Watts quote). You can listen to the show here. All that's left for us to do is to thank Rob and say thanks for the sounds and good luck with the vision!

Elsewhere, the song has also been in rotation on Amazing Radio's Pop and UK channels and on SynthPop Radio in the US, so if you're a regular listener to either of those, you might've heard me singing about misery and pylons a few times now. 

Outside of radio things, the music co-op Mirlo has launched a Kickstarter. Given the place the music ecosystem finds itself in, as opposed to the music industry's crowing about metrics and gold (recent articles about touring and sustaining costs, the Bandcamp takeover and layoffs, grassroots venue woes and multiple pieces about streaming spring to mind*). I'd really like to see some folks make a success of an alternative music platform (and builds on the ideas and enthusiasm of Resonate and Ampled) that actually has musicians' best interests at heart and takes a new approach from what's currently on offer. I'm already on there.

*Criticism of the streaming giant has its own dedicated Wikipedia page, which is quite something.

New Year, New Review 

Slightly late to the party, given that it's almost March, but Dandelion Radio have uploaded a radio show from January featuring tracks released last year (including Biarritz). You can listen to their 2023 Review below.

P. S. Andy, I'm not sure I got the pronunciation right either!

All Ears On Deck 

Those of an electronic persuasion can hear You Live Alone, taken from Apophonia, on a new Beachy Head Radio Deck Chair mix below from Simon Heartfield. It's also features a collaborative track from Simon Heartfield's new release on it and something by 65daysofstatic, who I've seen play a number of times, including their live accompaniment and rescoring of the film Silent Running, which is well worth searching out (and may have filmic links to another song under the old CURXES name).

Murray's Theme on NTS 

Fractal Meat on a Spongy Bone anyone? That's where you can feast on Murray's Theme, plus a whole host of other sonic treats on NTS Radio. Graham Dunning, of modified turntable and Mammoth Beat Organ fame, hosts the show and the tracklist is as follows:

Ikue Mori - Conflict
Amy Sterly - I Found The Note
Jean VOGUET - Pièces et Miniatures pour UNE GUITARE ÉLECTRIQUE SEULE N°3
Shit & Shine - Joy_12
Iran Sanadzadeh - Oblique Moons
Viola Yip - Viola Yip at Music/Fun April 24, 2020
Max Eastley - Centriphone, Amplified And Filtered
He Can Jog - Spark (Will Long Remix)
abstract poem - where the bird finds solace in memories etched into its feathers (grief is a paper bird flying through a burning forest – part 1)
Jean Tinguely - Sculpture at The Tate (4)
Garden Path - Get Her Mummy
Antez & Seijiro Murayama - Antez & Seiji 01
David Birchall / Andrew Cheetham / Colin Webster / Otto Willberg - Ask A Clown Or The First Face You See That Day
Lamina - Sous la terre
DeForrest Brown, Jr. & James Hoff - Project for Revolution in New York
Anna Xambo - mnnw (extract)
Dusepo - Dashti Karevan
Harry Partch - Castor & Pollux: A Dance for the Twin Rhythms of Gemini: From Plectra & Percussion Dances
Hell on Hearth - one hundred and seventeen.
Roberta Fidora - Murray's Theme

Listen on or hit the play button below.


Additionally, several of my releases are now available through and Mirlo (as well as Bandcamp and here on the website). I may add the CURXES releases later on as well, but if you have any strong opinions either way, you can send a message through the contact door or over on Mastodon.

Dandelion Jam 

Just a short update to say that I am currently uploading a number of my releases to, because I think the cooperative model is something that more people should explore and support and I'm delighted to see the folks who helped to build BBC Introducing creating something in this area.

Secondly, in addition to spins from radio free fedi, you can tune into Dandelion Radio throughout the month of December and hear one of my tracks on Andy's show

Also, there are now some Little Bobby t-shirts. If you buy an anti-Little Bobby design, I hope you have a wonderful festive season. If you buy a shirt showing your love of Little Bobby, I probably won't respond to your emails or sign your merch.

X-3, 2, 1...Blast Off! 

Replica console from BLACK ARROW rocket testing facility at The Needles, Isle of Wight, UK.
I hope the year is treating you well a few days in. Today is sponsored by the letter 'X' and the numbers 1971 and 2023.

X-3 was another name given to the Prospero satellite, launched by the BLACK ARROW rocket in 1971 (a technical overview can be found on the Wight Aviation Museum website) and X-1 is shorthand for a radio show on Satsuma Radio and Mixcloud that plays all manner of electronic oddities, including some highlights from BLACK ARROW, which concluded the most recent show.

Apparently there was a radio show in the 50s with the same name too which featured science fiction writers (Asimov was on there, who happened to write a book called 'X' Stands for Unknown and one we borrowed the title of). Anyway, enough rambling connections around the letter X and space. Have a listen to X Minus One below. 🚀

Season's Greetings! 

Maybe it should be renamed Dark Krampus instead of Dark Compass given the time of year, but it's always nice to see songs getting a play on the radio, in this case, the song is In Your Neighbourhood

On that vague song theme, this year's festive Neighbourbood card has now been posted and there is a new collection of things over there which provides a backdrop to my previous seasonal efforts (and a whole lot of hoarding). Last year's festive episode of your favourite puppet adventures is also available to watch too, pending the next instalment.

Speaking of festive and puppets, I knew buying this tiny deckchair would be a great investment. Merry Christmas. 🐻🎄
Bear wooden finger puppet sat in chair wearing a Christmas hat, with a bottle of Blue Nun.P. S. As always, suitably wintery versions of Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas and I Believe in Father Christmas are available to download for free by clicking on the song titles or over on Bandcamp. Thanks to Rob at Synth City for playing the Greg Lake cover.

Double Trouble and Other Numbers 

To badly borrow a quote from a bygone confectionary advert,

"DarkCompass, with these broadcasts, you are really spoiling us."

This time though it's Once Upon A Time, at number 10 on the list in the most recent show, which in Roman numerals is X. X is in both Precurxor and CURXES, which started in 2010. Coincidence? Yeah, probably.

We've also been sitting on our Asimov over at 3Fach, which is playing a host of amazing music over in Switzerland and our sombre spaceward track, The Stars, Like Dust. Listen in, float away.

Finally, for anyone who picked up the CD bundle of issue 79 of Electronic Sound (I mentioned it previously here), you can say "been there, listened to that, got the t-shirt", as there is a wearable version of the cover artwork available from the Electronic Sound website

Electronic Sound t-shirt design, featuring artwork from issue 79.

The Dark Outside is 10! 🎂 

Coaster by Tether.

Earlier in the year, I released my two space EPs with the finest cassette label and broadcaster in Dumfries and Galloway and was beyond delighted that they sold out in under 24 hours (especially in the post-Christmas period - arguably one of the most miserable times of year, perhaps second only to the hellscape known commonly as "summer"). My copies take pride of place in my tape collection, along with some of the earlier fever dream-esque Dark Outside compilations.

Long before this though, I used to send in songs to the radio broadcast component, which takes place in a forest. Sometimes it would be brief sketches sent in, or some horribly peaked-out demo of old. One year it was some dialogue about top secret space documents dumped in a church. Another was a piece that I'm fairly certain was the one I saw described as "two ghosts getting married", although I don't know for certain because I got up to make a cuppa and missed part of the broadcast. This year I will strap a radio to my belt, as is the style of the time. Every broadcast spans 24 hours, so I recommend keeping a portable listening device on backup duty to enjoy the whole thing uninterrupted. You don't want to miss a Radio Cree ident or a techno banger made from washing machines because you got up to make a sandwich.

That's the beauty of these broadcasts each year: you can send in whatever you like, as long as nobody has heard it before. It might then be heard by a goat herd, or nodded along to by someone clutching a fog-obscured biscuit, wandering about onsite with a small radio. Once the transmission ends, it's deleted, gone forever; or until you find it in a folder on your computer again decades from now marked "My Recording Final V10 FINAL". I think the first thing I ever sent in, under the Curxes name, was a brass band composition called State Poet that I made in Reason 2.5, which has yet to see the light of day (brass bands can contact me at the top of the page if the season is slow and you want to lend a tuba or similar to some sad music).

The significant thing about all of this of course, is that the first Dark Outside broadcast was ten years ago, and therefore 2022 is the anniversary of that "stupid" idea - someone else's words apparently, who is probably busy eating them right now like a delicious custard cream. This time around, a remix of something old, a 60s-style space theme and a cut 'n' paste track have been sent from island to forest. You might listen in and catch one of them, with creepy singing children, gloomy monks and an oddly-looped country guitar, because, as I have already mentioned, you and I can send in whatever we want before the deadline, as long as it isn't up anywhere else.

With that in mind, I hope you'll tune in to hear the wealth of wonky and way-out submissions over here (stream will be live from October 1st from midday UK time) and raise your chocolate digestives (or biscuit of your choice), to another ten years of weirdness in the wilderness. 🌲📻

Shortwave Transmissions 

Broadcasts and radio seem to be a bit of a theme recently. First off, BLACK ARROW & ETHER/ORBIT were released together on cassette via The Dark Outside (normally broadcasting from the Galloway Forest) and now Cities and Memory has released a new project called Shortwave Transmissions (broadcasts from around the world), featuring my contribution, Ottawa Shortwave

You can listen to the entire release on Bandcamp and hear a special radio programme from its curator on Resonance FM (broadcasts from London). 

P. S. Given the recent news that Bandcamp have enabled queuing in their listening app, I've added all of the songs currently on the secret part of the site to Bandcamp as well so they're easier to play on the go. If you're interested in learning more, head this way.

Moons and Stars 

We're back looking and listening to the night sky. My track 'Huygens' can be heard as part of Blue Star Radio's 41st episode, fittingly concluding with those stars who've recently drifted out into the infinite night, and a Leyland Kirby track. Listen below (full tracklist here). ✨

Huygens Probe Shines for Cassini Cameras. Photograph from NASA's Image and Video Library.

Synth In The City 

Potentially your city, even, depending on where you're tuning in from. Anyway, nice to hear In Your Neighbourhood get a little play here whilst I'm working on some new bits and pieces.

Also, on the subject of synth cities, if the idea of owning a wall of vintage synths appeals but storage is a problem, then these might be the answer. They are made by a graphic designer called Ronaldo Lopes Teixeira Rolt and I love them. Check out the gallery (including a mini Space Echo) or watch one of my favourites, the D-50, below, complete with related soundtrack!

Invisible Waves and Seasonal Joints 

When everything has felt firmly glued to the spot (and the sofa at certain points), I'd like to say thank you to everyone who joined me for a trip into space, with a special nod to Wavegirl, Simon and The Joint radio show (already well into 2021) for their kind end-of-year words and airplay. It's been really lovely and encouraging to read.

I'll conclude by saying that this year has been akin to digital mudlarking; trying to find little curiosities or pieces of treasure buried within something that looks pretty grim. Here are two such treasures I've enjoyed reading this year. One from the beacon that is The Creative Independent and the other from Huck Magazine, interviewing Ian MacKaye. Wishing you a Happy/Better New Year.

Dandelions In December 

No, not the name of a forthcoming folk album (somewhat Mulligan and O'Hare in tone), but a little heads up that alongside ACR, Arab Strap, Black Honey and other goodies, I'll be on Andy Morrison's December show with a seasonal song to accompany anyone starting on those Christmas spirits early. There's some more information below and you can listen throughout December here.

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